Wreck & Reference – Want


Wreck & Reference es de esas bandas que  está de gira varias veces al año y siguen produciendo musica de calidad. Desde un principio empezaron construyendo un sonido único. Si tendría que describir el sonido, estoy seguro que lo mas cercano seria avant-garde metal noise, aunque una etiqueta de ese tamaño es ridícula.

Para los que han seguido de cerca a  esté dúo, saben que después de No Youth las cosas cambiaron un poco, ya no encontrabas tanto black metal en No Content, aun así, sigo pensando que cada material nuevo supera a su antecesor. Want es un trabajo mas atmosférico, mas no ambiental, siguen con los ruidos electrónicos oscuros, y una batería cada vez mas comprometida a ser parte importante en la creación de este sonido.

Puedes comprar Want en The Flenser, un sello que debes descubrir si aun no conoces. Por ultimo, estaran de gira por US con Deafheaven y Pallbearer, puedes checar fechas aqui.

Dephosphorus “Ravenous Solemnity” te lleva a la esquina de los sonidos mas extremos…


Dephosphorus es una banda griega que comenzó en el verano del 2008, nunca han tocado en vivo ya que algun miembro vive en Suecia, al parecer su debut sera este año en New Long Fest. Su discografía cuenta con 2 Ep’s y 2 Lp’s, de los cuales no puedo opinar por que aun no escucho ninguno. Ravenous Solemnity es su tercer larga duración y ellos mismos lo describen como la pauta a un camino diferente del sonido que les caracterizaba. Dicen que tocan astrogrind, chingate esa.

Cuantas bandas existen actualmente que toquen black metal mezclado con otros géneros? Tantas como raperos sin éxito. Lo mas importante que es que jamas había escuchado algo como estos griegos. Su sonido black metalaro converge con otros géneros como hardcore, crust, punk, grindcore y noise, creando algo único entre todas las bandas punks que tocan o hacen el intento de tocar black metal.

Esto es algo que cualquiera que disfrute de crust o hardcore, tiene que escuchar. Altamente recomendado.


Esoteric Youth & Caïna Split


Church of Fuck es un sello ingles que nos ha canalizado a bandas que se hacen favoritas al instante, una de ellas es Esoteric Youth. y este año regresan con un split junto a Caïna, otra banda que ha dado de que hablar y también en la fila de CoF. No podria decir que es el mejor split editado hasta ahora, pero si uno de los mejores que he escuchado últimamente.

Si llegas a este punto y aun no tienes pista de que es lo que hace cada banda, pues te lo simplificare con dos palabras blackened hardcore. Aunque no se si exista tal genero, pero de un tiempo para aca muchas personas/bandas lo utilizan, hay quienes parecen tener un molde y sonar iguales y hay otras bandas, como es el caso de estas dos, que hacen algo mas que usar esta etiqueta.

Un buen split para introducirte ambas banda y posteriormente buscar la discografía completa, eso es lo que pasara con cada nueva escucha de este split. Recomendado.

Plebeian Grandstand – Lowgazers


Es tiempo de hacer un lado las melodías armoniosas que han aparecido en este blog últimamente, y creo que no hay mejor anfitrión para esto que Plebeian Grandstand. Para todos aquellos que no tienen ni puta idea de esta banda francesa, pero gustan del hardcore caotico de la forma mas oscura y agresiva posible, Plebeian Grandstand ha incluido el black metal y sludge a la mezcla para crear ser los que son ahora.

Después de su aclamado debut álbum, plebeian grandstand se situó en la cima, de la cual el baterista decidió bajar y entro a remplazarlo el baterista de Stuntman. Los cambios son sinónimo de progreso, al menos para mi y para esta banda. El sonido no ha cambiado mucho de rumbo, solo se volvió mas agresivo. Imagina si Celeste se juntara con Botch y de paso se llevan a Rorcal como invitado sorpresa.

Como ya es costumbre en Throatruiner Records, puedes descargar completamente gratis este album acá: http://store.throatruinerrecords.com/bands/plebeian-grandstand

O bien, si lo que quieres escuchar sin tener que descargar para hacer una compra inteligente, ve directo a bandcamp: http://music.throatruinerrecords.com/album/lowgazers 



Review: Hexis – Abalam

Hexis es una banda activa desde el 2010, oriunda de la capital de Dinamarca, Copenhague. En la primera catorcena del 2014 saldrá “Abalam”, el cual incluye 13 temas y sera editado por Halo of Flies en U$A y MUSICFEARSATAN de Francia. Tal vez algunos son ajenos a esta banda y este álbum hara que cambie ese estatus, a lo largo de su trayectoria como banda han editado varios ep’s y splits, para ser sincero, no los había escuchado con la debida atención, sabia quienes eran y que era lo que hacían, mas no había puesto tanta atención por que llego el momento que todos esos proyectos “blackened” sonaban iguales.

Ahora, el significado del titulo “El demonio Abalam es rey del infierno y el asistente de Paimon. Toma posesión del cuerpo humoano para fomentar al humano lujuria, contamina a los seres humanos durante la posesión y la única manera de escapar es la muerte”. Una vez teniendo en claro el significado, podría pensarse que es un concepto, desde el arte hasta las liricas que son igual de oscuras, hablan de desolación, posesiones y la muerte como el único camino para salir de este mundo.

Hexis carga con uno de los sonidos mas oscuros de Dinamarca, sin duda, y esto es por  su esfuerzo en mezclar el  hardcore, black metal y sludge metal, para sonar como uno solo, al estilo de Celeste, pero con su toque personal y logrando el objetivo de hacer de esos tres géneros, uno solo. Después de haber escuchado el álbum completo -dos veces-, siento como si su sonido haya taladrado mi cabeza, ese aturdimiento que no llega a ser molesto, todo lo contrario, un placer culposo, que no pasara de una jaqueca, estaría mejor escucharlo una y otra vez hasta que quede poseído.

Por el momento, no hay ningún sitio donde puedas escuchar el álbum completo, al parecer las pre-ordenes empiezan hoy. Así que aquí les dejo una canción extraída de Abalam y los links para ordenar.

Pre-ordenar//Halo of Flies (USA) o MUSICFEARSATAN (Francia)

Contacto// Facebook

Escucha// Bandcamp


Negative Standards / Whitehorse split review

Este split me tomo por sopresa, por dos cosas, uno es por que no sabia sobre la existencia de este y dos, tiene nombre y se llama Whitehorse. Una vez mas Vendetta Records editando musica de calidad, esta vez junto a Negative Standards y Whitehorse en un 12″.

Negative Standards son del area de San Francisco, y, dando continuidad a su previo lp “VI-XI”, aportan dos canciones tituladas “XII” y “XIII”. La 12 aka XII, basta con escucharla los primeros 30 segundos, para empezar a especular lo que viene, pero no te dan tiempo de pensar en mucho, ya que no tardan en sonar los tambores del baterista, empieza el feedback y los riffs llegan en forma de patada, una mezcla entre hardcore/crust/black metal acompañados de blast beats solo cuando son necesarios, sin sobre cargar la cancion de estos. Hay una pequeña pausa que da paso a un sampler y un interludio, aqui es cuando empiezan a sonar mas oscuros, prolongando riffs  y el head bangeo empieza, un sonido doom/sludge metal que va ascendiendo para regresar a esos blast beats y riffs rápidos. Sigue la numero 13 y esta cancion dura alrededor de 2 minutos, lo cual hace que nos den riffs mas distorsionados y llenos de odio, plagados de blast beats y ritmos muy rapidos.  Su colaboracion dura casi 12 minutos y te mantiene atento a toda clase de detalle incluido, desde los samplers hasta el bajo distorsionado

Whitehorse es una banda de Melbourne, Australia y como dije antes, no los habia escuchado hasta el dia de hoy. Una vez que entre a su bandcamp mire una larga columna de splits, ep’s y lp’s, esto quiere decir que volveré para escuchar mas. Una vez dandole play a su parte del split, que es una grabacion que dura casi 13 minutos, desde el principio suletan el doom metal de una forma mas sucia pero con la misma formula hipnotizante, acompañado de ritmos minimalistas y pesados, sonando al estilo de The Body -es lo primero que me viene a la mente-, pero con gritos mas propios del grindcore. Doom metal lleno de noise, llevandote a un lugar tenebroso y oculto, sin necesidad de blast beats para que su sonido quede sonando en tu cabeza por unos segundos mas despues de terminada la cancion.

Queda en tus manos escuchar este split. Puedes conseguirlo en fisico con las bandas o directamente de Vendetta Records. Altamente recomendado.



Depravation – II: MALEDICTVM

Depravation’s first full length was released the past month by Life And Death Records, Dark Omen Records and Sälly Records, a vinyl edition limited to 500 pieces, 100 white and the rest on black. This german band has gain popularity by playing lots of shows and obviously by their music, their previous ep ” I:PRAEDICTVM” gave us an idea of what sound they were building,  hardcore with black metal played at the angriest and traditional way possible.

“II:MALEDICTVM” contains 9 new tracks written in the same line as the previous ep, but this time they got wrapped black metal and hardcore as one sound, seriously, a record you should hear. The band is offering free downloads of their new record, but remember to support independent artists by buying their merch and records.

BuyDownload | Bandcamp

New records from Throatruiner

Throatruiner is a french record label very active, a proof of that is the four records coming out in the next months of bands like Primitive Man, The Phantom Carriage, Cortez and Vuyvr… blackened music to this dehumanized society.

So, i’m gonna start with the second album of  The Phantom Carriage, ¨Falls¨ contains 8 tracks, each one shaped with their own poison of dark hardcore and black metal, nothing new nowadays but these guys takes their music to the most extreme side of their sound.

¨”Falls” brings the band’s unique approach to the next level, invoking reminiscences of various acts such as Deathspell Omega, Cave In, Comity, Deafheaven or Kickback. Songs such as “Dreamers Will Never Stop Dreaming” or “Today We Stand” reveal how much the band has improved their songwriting abilities, burying the listener under piles of epic & technical riffs, labyrinthic structures and unearthly vocals. By throwing into their chaos some more unorthodox influences they gained from their other past and actual experiences, THE PHANTOM CARRIAGE prove that they are digging deeper than your average “blackened hardcore” band. And they will take you with them.¨

Bandcamp | Download

Trying to determine why Vuyvr’s debut album “Eiskalt” is a stimulating and refreshing take on black metal is not an easy task. Hailing from Switzerland, their sound initially appears to be rather traditional, obviously influenced by a number of Norwegian and Swedish meisters of the genre. Beneath an impeccable flow and as the record will start to grow on you, you’ll notice subtle, personal touches which contribute to a large extent to the record’s peculiar charm. There’s majestic breakdowns who are wonderful but not strictly metallic (“Betrayers Of The North”), stellar dual guitars equally breathing of heavy metal and post rock (“Dead Trees Will Wander At Night”). The vocals are crisp but not exaggerated, conveying immediacy. The primitive pounding of the drums resonates the naive fury of extreme metal’s early days… Devil is in the details indeed and apparently Vuyvr have inherited the unorthodox class that characterizes their country’s metal tradition (Hellhammer, Celtic Frost, Samael, Coroner…). Having excelled in the ranks of seminal underground acts such as Knut, Impure Wilhelmina, Rorcal, Elizabeth, they are not preoccupied by what the purists will think of them. They are devoted to sonic darkness and it’s all that matters. Less than a year after their initial racket, the band rushed into their practice space and recorded 9 tracks within a day that would eventually become “Eiskalt”.

Bandcamp | Download

With this album Cortez is again proving that you can get out of the habitual pattern of power trio (guitar, drums and voice), and still burps noise-hardcore fury and incandescent anger. The band recently reorganized itself with the arrival of Antoine Tinguely on the guitar (ex-Berserk For Tea Time), Samuel Vaney, former guitarist, is now supporting the band as composer / mixer. Recorded partly in the REC Studio of Serge Morattel in Geneva, drums, and partly in their own rehearsal space, guitars and vocals, this new album is the result of hard work, giving the band big freedom in creation and the possibility to fully assume the production process. Complete independence in learning, creating and finalizing the record. “Phoebus” reaffirms the taste of Cortez for saturation, but also explores a wide range of possibilities. Like a threatening and corrosive mist the aggressive sound still remains intense, melancholic and emotional.


Fronted by Ethan McCarthy of notable grind acts Clinging to the Trees of a Forest Fire and Death of Self, Denver, Colorado’s PRIMITIVE MAN play some sort of blackened sludge/doom with hints of drone and d-beat in the vein of bands such as The Body, Thou or Khanate. An earth-shattering, bleak wall of crushing dissonance and pure sonic heaviness : “Scorn” is only the band’s debut full-length, but it already sounds like one of the heaviest and most brutal records you’ll hear for a while. Thirty nine minutes of pure, unrelenting destruction that will leave you bruised and bleeding.


Regarde Les Hommes Tomber- S/T

France | 2013 | Les Acteurs De L’ombre

Regarde Les Hommes Tomber comes from Nantes, France, their first lp will be released around march, meanwhile two songs are up on bandcamp and you can pre-order the record from LADLO. Searching for more information about these guys, found their name comes from a french film of 1994 ¨Regarde Les Hommes Tomber¨ (See How They Fall), anyway, don’t find information  about their previous/side projects, that its not of much importance and i know, just wondering who they are cause their skills to write music sounds like they have played for years on this project. Listening this two tracks makes me anxious to listen the complete album, this project creates music influenced by black metal, sludge metal and post-hardcore, played to the most dark and loud way possible. Keep an eye with this band, highly recommended.

Facebook | Bandcamp 

Bosse De Nage – III

Origin: United States
Year: 2012
Genre: Black Metal / Post-rock
Label: Profund Lore Records
I’m new to this band , have seen the record posted in some other blogs but never have the chance to give a listen until someone recommended this on the music as heroin page and also cause they are doing a split with Deafheaven.
¨III¨ is their third release and like i said before, i start listening the band a few days ago but have listen this record more than 8 times and can´t get enough of it, even if you are not a black metal fan you´ll get into this easily without any problem, their influences goes from post-rock to early 90´s indie and punk… the result is intense and atmospheric.
Six tracks in about 47 minutes, without pauses between each song, probably that keep you listening this 3 times in a row. Definetely a master piece that can´t be missed, highly recommended.

Cara Neir/Ramlord Split

Origin:United States
Genre:Black Metal / Crust / Punk
Tracks: 4
Label: Broken Limbs Recordings
 Coming off of stellar reviews for their first LP, Cara Neir have teamed up with blackstench heroes Ramlord to release a split on Broken Limbs Recordings that exemplifies the fusion of the grimy, filthy underbelly of crust punk with the occult-laden isolationist themes of black metal.[Band request]

Depravation – I​:​Praedictvm

Origin: Germany
Year: 2012
Genre: Black metal / Hardcore / Metal
Tracks: 3
Label: Dark Omen Records
More music from germany, not the type of hardcore you imagine, this bands sounds more darker and more into black metal. Depravation comes from Gießen and this is the recordings, released as tape by Dark Omen Records. Three songs are dropped, the first one sounds great, blackened hardcore  with a perfect double bass, the second one contains 2 mints of spoken words, it turns scary if you’re high, but it sounds great. This is just their demo, so lets put attention to this band. Highly recommended.
[Band request]

Cowards – Shooting Blanks and Pills

Origin: France
Year: 2012
Genre: Black metal / Hardcore / Sludge metal
Tracks: 6
Label: Throatruiner Records | Hellbound Records
This is not the american hardcore/sludge band, it’s about the french band, they’re releasing their debut release through Throatruiner and Hellbound Records. Their music sounds black metal influenced at parts, but they keep playing something between Hardcore/Sludge metal. Listen carefully the album and spread the hate, highly recommended.

Negative Standards – VI-XI

Origin: United States
 Year: 2012
 Genre:  BlackDoometal | Crust | Hardcore | Sludge 
Tracks: 6
Label: Vendetta Records
An other band you should give a listen, Negative Standards, they come from Oakland, Ca. with members of Acts of Sedition and Kentucky Fried Doom. They have released their first full length through Vendetta Records (VI-XI), their first material (I-V) has been also pressed as 10″ by Halo of Flies, Cop Grave Recordings and Gay Scientist Recordings… that’s not all, they are into a full U.S. Tour and has started this past May 5, see the dates below.
Do you need more info about the band? Just listen and you’ll stop wonder how this band sounds.
Highly recommended. [Band request]

 Buy | Stream

Tour Dates:

May 5 – Oakland, CA @ Sugar Mountain, 2515 San Pablo w/ Burmese, Bruxers, A.C. Way, Hesitation Wounds. 8pm, $7.
May 8 – Reno, NV @ Holland Project w/ Criminal Code, Pissmixer, Fathoms.
May 9 – Salt Lake City, UT @ Boing! Collective w/ All Systems Fail, The Relief Society, Society Miscall, Filthlord. 6pm.
May 10 – Denver, CO @ Rhinoceropolis w/ Damaru, Reproacher, Dripfed. 9pm, $5.
May 11 – Omaha, NE @ The Sandbox w/ Kills & Thrills, Kublai Khan, Bruja, Grimer, Flies @ the Sandbox. 8pm, $8.
May 12 – Minneapolis, MN @ The House of Lard w/ Indulge, Cokskar, and Brain Tumors. 9 PM, $6.
May 13 – Milwaukee, WI @ Creem City Collective w/ Protestant, Sacrificial Massacre, Gnarrenschiff. 7pm.
May 14 – Chicago, IL @ TBA w/ Canadian Rifle, Thieves, Calendar Boys.
May 15 – Cleveland, OH @ Now That’s Class! w/ Tragedy, Lucha Eternal, Dismal. 9pm, $10.
May 16 – Pittsburgh, PA @ Mr. Roboto Project w/ Bacchus (Ireland), Torch Runner, Pray for Teeth.
May 17 – Washington, DC @ Ras Hall, 4809 Georgia Ave. NW w/ Good Luck, Spoonboy, Hop Along, Sundials. 6pm.
May 18 – New Brunswick, NJ @ Ray Cappo’s Cantina w/ Loose Ends, Ugly Parts, Söft Dov, Polemic Shock. 7pm, $5.
May 19 – Brooklyn, NY @ Stolen Sleeves Collective, 538 Johnson Avenue w/ Anasazi, Sad Boys, Zatsuon. 8pm, $8.
May 20 – Northhampton, MA @ VFW Florence, 18 Meadow Street w/ Warrior Kids (France), MFP.
May 21 – Montreal, QC @ Death Church w/ Æsahættr, Xothugua, Sand Witch.
May 22 – Portland, ME @ 442 St. John St w/ The Piper and the Salami, The Correspondences.
May 23 – Boston, MA @ Whacky Kastle w/ Vaccine, VYGR, Nailed Shut. 6pm, $8.
May 24 – New Haven, CT @ TBA w/ Escalators.
May 25 – Philadelphia, PA @ Cloud City w/ Bacchus (Ireland), Torch Runner, Hazards, War Emblem. 7pm, $5-10 sliding scale.
May 26 – Baltimore, MD @ TBA
May 27 – Asheville, NC @ The Get Down!
May 28 – Atlanta, GA @ Wonderroot Collective
May 29 – New Orleans, LA @ Hey Cafe w/ Mauser, Post-Teens, Mystic Inane. 8pm, $5.
May 30 – Houston, TX @ Vinyl Junkie w/ Napalm Raid, Sixbrewbantha. 3pm.
May 31 – Austin, TX @ Chaos in Tejas (Day off)
June 1 – Austin, TX @ Chaos in Tejas, End of an Ear Day Show. 3pm.
June 2 – Austin, TX @ Chaos in Tejas, Prank Records Breakfast Show w/ No Statik. 11am.
June 3 – Austin, TX @ Chaos in Tejas (Day off)
June 4 – El Paso, TX @ The Horizon Club w/ Røsenkøpf. 7pm, $5.
June 5 – Phoenix, AZ @ TBA
June 6 – Los Angeles, CA @ McWorld, 5011 W. Adams Blvd w/ TBA.
June 7 – San Francisco, CA @ TBA

Void Forger – Ruined Demo

Origin: Romania
Year:  2012
Genre: Black Metal | Hardcore | Sludge
Tracks: 3
Label: Unsigned

Void Forger comes from Bucharest, Romania and they released “Ruined Demo” on 04/03/2012. Their sound  have black metal roots, but they land more into hardcore/sludge, giving a dark and nihilistic  sound, their lyrics are inspired by cyberpunk and dystopian themes, fantasy and social issues. If they keep writing in the same direction and practicing, they will get the sound they want… looking forward for new recordings. Recommended. [Band request]

Wreck And Reference – No Youth

Origin: United States
Year: 2012
Genre: Black metal | Experimental | Noise | Sludge 
Tracks: 10
Label: ?
“Demo is an abbreviation for demonstration and Wreck & Reference’s Black Cassette demo last year was a clear demonstration of intent – of what this California band was capable of. Now the band have created No Youth, a new LP that sits somewhere in the nether between gothic post-punk darkness, noise and ambient shadow, and epic metallic majesty with elements of black metal and hardcore, Wreck and Reference occupy a unique space on No Youth. Bauhaus-ian moments meet with Swans style dirge-and-purge and evolve into shoegaze-y black metal in a wholly cohesive manner; check out the wild trip for yourself.” -BrooklynVegan
[Band request]

Thaw – Advance

Origin: Poland
Year: 2012
Genre: Black Metal | Doom
Label: Unsigned
The band was formed in 2010 and immediately became one of the coolest (of the most interesting) black metal projects in Poland.Thaw belongs to the group of artists,who celebrate the creation in some way.In their fascination with cacophony, noise and nihilism, they throw accepted aesthetic norms off,get a listener to experience every sound.In spite of a bit more approachable sound the newest material /Advance 2012/ terrifies at the same degree as the earlier one.The band,not turning away from a steamy, dense and full of anxiety atmosphere,can link previous patents on creating black magma of dirty sounds with recent trends of extreme,dark ,black metal stylistic.
The beauty must die ..till the end of the world.[Band Request]

Miasme – 5773

Origin: Poland
Year: 2012
Genre: Black metal | Post-rock | Shoegaze
Label: Unsigned
No buy option.
Miasme is a one-man band from Lusatia, Poland. His music is inspired by post-rock, black metal, ambient, sludge, drone, shoegaze, etc. but it does not resemble the trendy “Blackgaze” sound, actually i’m listening the ep while i write/look about Miasme and i’ve to say is an interesting project you should check out if you like post-rock, obviously have the black metal sound at times, but he knows how to do atmospheric sounds with a heavy sound at times. I love when a request from a band surprise me with a new band i really enjoy, highly recommended.

Cara Neir – Stagnant Perceptions

Origin: United States
Year: 2011
Genre: Black Metal|Crust|Hardcore|Screamo
Tracks: 11
Label: Unsigned
Buy: Here 
Cara Neir hails from Dallas, Texas, experimental black metal two-piece with elements of dark hardcore, crust, screamo, and sludge. “Stagnant Perceptions” is their newer full length, 11 tracks of interesting music, give a listen in  their bandcamp and if you like it, then you should buy the limited press of 50 copies. Recommended.[Band Request]

Young And In The Way – V. Eternal Depression

Origin: United States
Year: 2011
Genre: Crusty Black(ened Hardcore) Metal?
Tracks: 5
Label: Antithetic Records
Buy: Here
I’ve been thinking what to post today, i have a few requests comimng up, much albums i want to upload but at the end i don’t do anything and other day pass… “V. Eternal Depression” is what i want to post now, i think this band are one of the most interesting projects coming from North Caroline, i like their creativity for make music, don’t mean to be a cock sucker or something, i just like how this new record sound. Can’t write something else, sorry for the shitty introduce, but listen this master piece. Highly Recommended

Fifteen Dead – Demo

Origin: Scotland
Year: 2011
Genre: Black Metal|Crust|Punk
Tracks: 5
Label: Unsigned
Buy: No Buy Option
Fifteen Dead is a new band coming from Norway, Ireland and Scotland…weird but true, they are based in Aberdeen, Scotland. They take crust punk to the norway black metal cult for make a pure and interesting sound, you don’t hear the mix in all the song, you hear the changes from crust to black and viceversa, that’s what i like from this band. An interesting band you should give a listen.[Band Request]

Dopamine – Dopamine

Origin: China
Year: 2009
Genre: Black Metal|Post-Rock|Shoegaze
Tracks: 2
Label: Unsigned
Buy: No buy option
Web: Myspace
I get into this thanks to a random suggestion from youtube, to bad it contains just 2 songs and both are instrumental, because what i heard on youtube has vocals and really reminds me to deafheaven, but well, let me introduce you the band. Dopamine is a band from China, they were founded in 2008 by Deng and Jiang, Zhao joined them later in 2009, in their lastfm says this band is about romance, lost and depression…and yes, it’s exactly how this 2 tracks sound. I have to say i’m not familiar with this kind of music, so i can’t say this sound like this or like that, give them a listen, you don’t lose anything and you probably will like them. 

Planks – Solicit To Fall

Origin: Germany
Year: 2011
Genre: Black Metal|Hardcore|Sludge Metal
Tracks: 4
Label: ?
Buy: Here
New ep by Planks from germany, these guys have been doing great things, months ago they put out an album called “The Darkest Of Grays” and it was for free download, now they come with an ep called “Solicit To Fall” and it was recorded in the same session as “The Darkest Of Grays” it sounds similar to their last release, they keep that heavy atmosphere where sludge metal and hardcore meets black metal, no doubt Planks is one of the best punk band out there in germany, from my point of view. You can buy this directly from their bandcamp, send them a message if you want a record, it comes as one side LP. For fans of Black Freighter, Northless, His Hero Is Gone or Tombs. Highly Recommended.

Deafheaven – Roads To Judah

Origin: United States
Year: 2011
Genre: Black Metal|Post-Rock|Screamo
Tracks: 4
Label: Deathwish Inc
Buy: Here
Web: Myspace

Not much time ago i posted the demo of this great band, now they come back with this 4 new tracks, they keep creating their own sound. Almost 30 minutes of an interesting dreamy and sometimes dark atmosphere, i really love what these guys are doing and i don’t care if some of you are jealous because they sign to deathwish inc…once again, when a band is giving something interesting to the “scene” the hate starts when they sign to a great label. Highly Recommended.

Download[This is not the leaked version]

Black Freighter – Graves And Monuments

Origin: Germany   

Year: 2010

Genre: Black Metal|Dark Hardcore|Sludge

Tracks: 10

Label: Vendetta

Buy: Here

Web: Myspace

I was looking for this like crazy, i spend a few months looking around and i finally got it. Black Freighter is a band from Leipzig,Germany, these guys plays dowtuned, heavy, loud, with a brutal and aggressive voice plus lots of feedback…some heavy stuff you really have to check out, imagine if Perth Express were more heavier[more?] with a little touch of black metal and sludge…the perfect combination i think. Since the first time i listen to this band at Myspace, i was like psyched to them, i really love how “Graves And Monuments” sounds. If you like bands like Perth Express, Planks, Burial Year you gotta get this now!. Highly Recommended.


Deafheaven – Demo

Origin: United States

Year: 2010

Genre: Black Metal|Post-Rock|Screamo|Sludge

Self Released

Buy: No Buy Option

Web: Myspace

Fuck, Defheaven it’s defintly a band you should really check out. I saw this in many blogs but i never download it til yestarday. It’s amazing how this young band has catch the attention of many people incluiding Deathwish Inc. I want to know who is doing this because i thought SF was just into the same shit for a couple of years but this, man…Deafheaven is creating their own sound and i’m not the one who can describe this, so, do yourself a favor and download this masterpiece. Fans of Thou, Orchid, Envy…get this NOW!!ª


1.Libertine Dissolves




Download[Link by Elementary Revolt]

Endless Disease – Our Dawn Is The End

Origin: USA

Year: 2010

Genre: Black Metal | Crust

Label: unsigned

Buy: not available

Web: Myspace

Happy new year! Celebrate with these sweet guys from ENDLESS DISEASE, a Black Metal/Crust outfit from Texas. Our Dawn Is The End is their second demo, including the songs of their first + 2 more. The sound is killer, which I didn’t expect from a demo by a band in this genre. Fast, slow, evil, fucking perfect vocals! Only bummer is the runtime, only 10 minutes of this sweet stuff. Anyway, get this shit and someone go sign these guys!


1. Destroy Your Fucking Life

2. End It All Now

3. Black Shores

4. A World In Ruins

5. No End To Night


Planks – The Darkest of Grays

Origin: USA
Year: 2010
Genre: Black Metal|Crust|Hardcore
Label: Per Koro Records
Buy: Here
Web: Myspace
This is their second full lenght, it features 12 new tracks played on 41 minutes. Planks has keep the black metal on each track but now they are less chaotic, not much blast beats like before, but, the same dark atmosphere it’s floating around. Fans of Cursed, His Hero Is Gone, Alpinist and Tombs should give a try. They have put up the download link to their new record in good quality…sick. Highly Recommended, Enjoy!

2.Sacred And Secret

3.Tentacles (Solitude Prevails)

4.We Are Transluscent

5.Long Live Depravity

6.The Dead Return To War


8.No Solid Grounds

9.Fallen Empires Are Burning

10.Scarlet Inside

11.The Darkest Of Grays

12.A Casket City

Hierophant – Self Titled

Origin: Italy

Year: 2010

Genre: Black Metal|Crust|Hardcore|Sludge

Label: Demons Runs Amok Records

Buy: Here

Web: Facebook|Myspace
After a month out of town, i’m back with more stuff and albums i’ve been playing in my head during this month without music haha. First of all, thanks to Karl(Hierophant) for send me this gem of debut. These guys are the new bonebrakers of italy, they play some heavy and chaotic stuff. Do you like bands like The Secret? well, i don’t why i think this band have current members of the secret, but, the main fact is how this guys will blow your head in a few seconds, with those heavy riffs who goes from the most black metal stuff to some sludgy moves or even passing from d-beat,seriuosly these guys rule. Since their debut album was out i was looking for it like crazy. Fans of The Secret, Trap Them, His Hero Is Gone, Darkthone get this NOW!.


1.Hermetic Sermon pt.1 (expectatio)

2.I Am I, You, Nobody

3.As Kalki

4.Mother Tiamat

5.Hermetic Sermon pt.2 (invocation ov abraxas)


7.We Know Love

8.Abissus Abissum Invocat

9.Ten Thousand Winters

10.Hermetic Sermon pt.3 (the last realization)

Download[Link provided by the band]

Black September – The Forbidden Gates Beyond

Origin: Chicago, Illinois

Year: 2010

Genre: Black Metal|Crust

Label: Iclonoclast Records

Buy: Here

Web: Myspace

Chicago’s metal punks has put out a new record of pure black metal with a touch of crust, it sounds furious, violent and powerful. They have been working hard on building up their own sound, i just love the way how it sound this full lenght and the voice of the girl, definitly some of the best stuff from chicago right now. Higly Recommended.


1.The Forbidden Gates Beyond

2.Creation of Chaos

3.Hallow of Decay



6.The Absence of Life & Death



Black September

Mohoram Atta

Damn, it’s a shame this band doesn’t exist anymore, the the best band of the style around. I think they started at 05′ with a huge line-up: 3 guitars,2 vocals,1 bass, 1 drummer…almost and orchestra hehe. Imagine what 3 guitars can do, heavy and some times downtuned riffs that blow you away along with the black metal touch. Definitly, some of the best crust you’ll listen on this times. Here i post all what they do during their existence.

Weight of Existence
Year: 2007
Label: Self Released
1.Ani Achad


3.Weight Of Existence


5.The Fall

6.Cracked Face Of A Megalith [Demo 2005]

7.Judgement Rising [Demo 2005]

8.Unfulfilled Hopes In Standard [Demo 2005]

9.Haud Caritas [Demo 2005]

10.Cursings for Disobedience [Demo 2005]

11.Violence, Internalized [Demo 2005]

12.Landscapes [2005 Version]

Desolate Motherfuckers
Year: 2008
Label: Penguin Suit Records|Unholy Trash


3.Desolate Motherfuckers

4.Human Tombs
Mohoram Atta/Thou-The Degradation of Human Life
Year: 2009
Label: Halo of Flies|Feast of Tentacles
 1.[MA]One Thousand Hands

2.[MA]Dreams Of Thanatos
5.[MA]Forever Sleep
6.[T]Don’t Vote
7.[T]I Am The Leviathan
8.[T]Shorties With MP40s, The Personal Is The Political
9.[T]Screaming At A Wall


The Secret – Solve Et Coagula

Origin: Italy
Year: 2010
Genre: Black Metal|Crust|Grind|Hardcore
 Label: Southern Lord Records
Buy: Here
Web: Myspace
Tercer disco de estos italianos, aunque, pareciera que son gringos por el nombre. Lo que absorbieron durante sus anhos de punkys le agregaron algo de black metal y el resultado es este, desde el hardcore hasta el black metal pasando por el crust y grindcore, sin dude alguna esto me gusta mas que lo anterior. Si te gustan bandas como Converge, Trap Them, Black Breath, Cursed,etc checa a estos mafiosos.


1.Cross Builder

2.Death Alive

3.Double Slaughter

4.Where It Ends



7.Pleasure In Self Destruction

8.Eve Of The Last Day

9.Pursuit Of Discomfort

10.Bell Of Urgency

11.War Desire
